ICHABOD CRANE by Neill Hartley
Washington Irving and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Neill Hartley is a convincing Washington Irving, the father of the American short story, bringing you into Irving’s world, introducing you to his work, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the most famous short story ever written. The literary lion narrates his tale and then enters his story, becoming his alter ego, Ichabod Crane. Neill Hartley is a mesmerizing Ichabod Crane.
Invite Neill Hartley’s Ichabod Crane, Washington Irving and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow to schools, libraries, museums, historic sites, retirement communities:
• Educational Programs: Ichabod Crane, Washington Irving and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 40-60 minutes plus Informational Section and Q & A for Schools, Libraries, Museums, Historical Sites
Neill Hartley: Bio Actor/Historian, Interpreter, Reenactor, Impersonator